Become a Soaring Eagle 

mg冰球突破豪华版下载提供了一个丰富而充满活力的社区,学生可以在这里发现自己真正的激情. 有支持你的同伴和迷人的教师,你会立刻有宾至如归的感觉. 应用ing to Elmira's undergraduate programs has never been easier. With rolling decisions and your own personalized portal, you'll get your acceptance decision in no time.

Undergraduate Admissions

Students fill the bleachers as they cheer during Hoops Hysteria

Transfer to 埃尔迈拉大学

mg冰球突破豪华版下载,我们庆祝你是谁,同时准备你的成功. 我们的小班授课为您提供一对一的指导和教师的指导,他们亲自投资于您的成功和雇主正在寻找的课外经验. 转学入学顾问将帮助你完成转学学分的每一步,并将其应用到埃尔迈拉大学的学位中.

Transfer Admissions


如果你是圣罗斯学院或威尔斯学院的学生,因为这些学校宣布关闭而想转学, we're here to help. See how 埃尔迈拉大学 can become YOUR place.

Saint Rose Students  Wells College Students


Earn Your Master’s at Elmira

Elmira offers advanced degrees that deliver. 无论你是准备开始全日制课程还是保持兼职计划, 我们在这里与你一起迈出下一步,通过研究生学位推进你的职业生涯. Earning your master's degree can deepen your knowledge and skills, widen your career options, increase your earning potential, and further your professional development. 

Graduate Admissions

“我的首要目标是找到一个能让我继续有所作为的地方. After my first visit to EC, I was sold. 它足够大,可以达到我的学术目标,而又足够小,可以产生很大的影响. 自从选择参加mg冰球突破豪华版下载以来,我从未怀疑过我的决定.”
–James Blair '23


Admissions 事件


10月 19


上午9:15 -下午1:00


Your Elmira Experience

A 校园之旅 is a great way to explore EC. 与在校学生交谈,与教师见面,参加课堂或校园活动. Or you can visit campus anytime, from anywhere! Want a quick look around? 花几分钟时间来一场mg冰球突破豪华版下载的虚拟之旅吧. 安排一个由Admissions顾问和财务援助人员主持的虚拟演示,让你的问题得到回答. 

Set Up Your Virtual Tour

Students take a selfie on campus

Meet Your Admissions Counselor

Now is your time to get to know us — a college unlike any other.  我们准备分享关于大学入学的建议和关于埃尔迈拉的最新消息!


An Exceptional Education

mg冰球突破豪华版下载将文科教育和行业知识结合到课堂上,以塑造和装备你的顶级雇主正在寻找的技能. With more than 35 majors, 未成年人, and concentrations, 你将拥有跨学科教育的基础,并将这些知识带入职场或研究生院.

探索度 & 项目




紫色和金色. A competitive athletic spirit. Singing the alma mater. Midnight Breakfast with friends. Whether it’s in a classroom or a club, in a scientific field or on a sports field, Elmira is your place to discover, 成长, and find your place in the world. 建立终身的友谊,回馈我们的社区,享受校园活动,看看还有什么 life on the 埃尔迈拉大学 campus 必须提供.


mg冰球突破豪华版下载的大学经历意味着与来自世界各地的学生见面,参与永恒的传统和社区服务项目. From arts and culture to game nights and DIY projects, mg冰球突破豪华版下载的校园是学生们相互联系或休息和充电的活动中心. 住在校园里的学生由于离教室近,所以gpa更高, 教师, and facilities like the library, allowing students to be more engaged.

A male and female student laugh during the Lawnsay games

俱乐部 & 组织

Whatever your passion, from environmental activism to academic honors clubs, you’ll find a community to share it with at 埃尔迈拉大学. Our students' interests are as diverse as their studies. 做一些你喜欢的事情,或者尝试一些新的东西. Either way, you'll find a reason to call Elmira home.


没有什么能像一场主场篮球比赛那样充满活力,站满了学生, Alumni, 教师, 工作人员, and friends cheering on their 飙升的鹰. 埃尔迈拉大学 has 16 varsity Athletics teams, including seven men's, 七个女人的, and two co-ed teams. 从2024年秋季开始,男子和女子长曲棍球将重返赛场. 飞鹰队参加了三级联赛,并获得了六次全国冠军, including three in women's ice hockey and three in cheerleading. 


mg冰球突破豪华版下载市是一个古色古香的小镇,与大城市相连. Located in New York's picturesque Finger Lakes, it's a jumping-off point for skiing, 高尔夫球, 徒步旅行, 水上运动, 自行车旅游, 博物馆, 和餐馆. Throughout the year, Elmira Downtown Development hosts events such as outdoor concerts, a weekly farmers market, street painting festival, and outdoor movie nights.

Community members walk through Wisner Market

Photo credits: Finger Lakes Wine Country

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